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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Jimmy Valentine Suggestions 2023 Class 11 English|Jimmy Valentine 100%Common Suggestion

Jimmy Valentine Suggestions 2023 Class XI WBCHSE|Jimmy Valentine class 11 Suggestions 

Hii all. Here in this article you will get English Suggestion for Class XI WBCHSE Book. This article is on suggestions from Jimmy Valentine written by O. Henry. MCQ Question, Short Questions and Long Questions suggestions have been given here. It will help you in the final exam of class XI West Bengal Board. 
Jimmy Valentine Suggestions

MCQ Question Suggestions from Jimmy Valentine

1. The warden asked the guard to have Jimmy at his office at 
I) five in the morning
II) six in the morning
III) seven in the morning
IV) eight in the morning.
Answer- III) Seven in the morning.

2. The number Jimmy got in the jail was 
II) 9276
III) 9762

Also Read

3. What does Jimmy's Suitcase contain?
I) Ten thousand dollars to help him set up a new business.
II) ten sets of expensive suits to reinvent himself as a gentleman.
III) A complete set of tools to help him burgle safes and vaults. 
IV) All the goods he had ever stolen in his life.
Answer- III) a complete set of tools to help him burgle safes and vaults. 

4. The lovely young lady who returned Jimmy's glance was
I)Miss Annabel Adams
II) Miss Polly Simpson
III) Miss Annabel Simpson
IV) Miss Polly Adams
Answer- I) Miss Annabel Adams.

5. What type of character is Jimmy Valentine?
I) round and static
II) Round and dynamic
III) Flat and static
IV) flat and dynamic.
Answer- II) Round and dynamic.

Also Read:

Short Question Suggestions Jimmy Valentine 

1. What was Mr Adams proud of ?
Ans : Mr Adams was very proud of the new safe and vault installed in his bank.

2. What work did Jimmy Valentine perform in the prison shoe shop ?
Ans : Jimmy Valentine used to stich shoe- uppers  in the prison shoe shop.

3. "I NEVER was in springfield in my life." - Who said this and to whom?
Ans : Jimmy Valentine said to this  to the prison Warden.

4. What was the name of the guard in the prison ?
Ans : Cronin was the name of the guard in the prison.

5. Who handed Jimmy the letter of pardon?
Ans : The jail -warden handed Jimmy the letter of pardon.

6. What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine?
Ans : The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy a railroad ticket for travelling and a five-dollar bill for his rehabilitation.

7. Why did the clerk give Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and  a five-dollar bill after his release from the prison?
Ans : The clerk gave to Jimmy because the law expected him to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity.

8. What was the number of Jimmy Valentine during his stay in prison?
Ans: During his stay in prison, the number of Jimmy Valentine was 9762.

9. What did Jimmy Valentine do first after coming out of the jail?
Ans: After coming out of the jail, Jimmy Valentine first headed for a restaurant where he enjoyed a broiled chicken amd a bottle of white wine and smoke a cigar of good quality. 

10. What did JImmy's suitcase contain?
Ans.- Jimmy's suitcase contained a complete set of burgling tools, the latest designs in drills, punches, braces and bits., jimmies, clamps and augers with two or three novelties invented by Jimmy himself. 

Also Read: 
Meeting At Night Summary Explanation Questions Answers  

Long/ Descriptive Questions Jimmy Valentine 

1.  Retrace Jimmy valentine's course of actions from the moment he is granted parole to the time  he reaches his room.

Answer- On being released from the jail with a rail road ticket and five-dollar bill given on behalf of the state, jimmy Valentine went straight to restaurant to enjiy the sweet taste of liberty . He took broiled chicken, and a bottle of white wine as his breakfast. He enjoyed a cigar of fairly good quality and headed ina relaxed manner towars the depot. At the door of the ststion he threw a quarter of a dollar into the hat of a blind man. Then he boarded his train. It took him threee hours to reach his little hometown. He went to the cafe of Mike Dolan and shook hands with him. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, he took the key of nhis room from Dolan
 and went upstairs and unlocked the door of his room. 

Suggested Reading:

2. Write  a short note on the title of the story 'Jimmy Valentine"
Answer- In the story 'Jimmy Valentine'Jimmy is the central character. The entire story is focused in the actions of Jimmy. Jimmy is intelligent, handsome and innovative. He is a safe-cracker. He is a notorious figure in the beginning of the story. After he was released from jail, he saw Annabel Adams and went through a transformation. He undergoes a change and assumes the name of Ralph D. Spencer. Ben Price is still in search of Jimmy. He reaches Elmore. Jimmy at the time got completely changed. There is dramatic suspense in the story when Agatha for locked in the vault and Jimmy with his safe-cracking tools rescued Agatha. Although there are different major and minor factors, yet the story moves around Jimmy Valentine. So thr title is appropriate.

3. Describe how Jimmy Valentine is compared to Phoenix.
Answer- Jimmy Valentine and Ralph D. Spencer are the two different names of the same person. They are the two different stages of his life. While Jimmy Valentine is a notorious safe-cracker Ralph D Spencer is a successful businessman on the other side. It is also ironical that both Jimmy and Ralph use the same instruments but for different purposes. Phoenix is a bird that is reborn from its own ashes. Jimmy got burnt and Ralph was born. Ralph is the phoenix rising form the ashes of Jimmy. 
Thank You. 

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